
Our Team

Alex Jenkins
Qualifications & Education
  • Law (LLB), University of Reading
  • Law Society of England and Wales

Alex has been involved in a variety of litigation and arbitration disputes, gaining experience of all stages of proceedings including lengthy Commercial Court trials. He has notably acted in an ICC arbitration regarding the non-completion of a Farmout Agreement involving claims of fraudulent misrepresentations. 


Alex graduated from the University of Reading with a Bachelor’s degree in law, after which he gained extensive experience as a litigation paralegal at a number of well-known law firms both in the UK and overseas.  

He joined Enyo Law as a Legal Assistant in February 2019, completing his Masters degree in Legal Practice part-time before starting his training contract in September 2021.

Representative Cases
  • Pearson (in his capacity as Additional Liquidator of Herald Fund SPC (in Official Liquidation) -v- Primeo Fund (in Official Liquidation) [2020] UKPC 3
  • Macquarie Capital (Europe) Limited -v- Nordsee Offshore MEG I GmbH [2019] EWHC 1655 (Comm)
  • Young Fraud Lawyers Association
  • LCIA Young International Arbitration Group
Jul 9, 2024
The importance of directors’ knowledge in establishing the largest ever wrongful trading award and the first ever award for “misfeasant trading”
The High Court recently issued its judgment against two former directors of BHS Group Limited, Mr Henningson and Mr Chandler...
Jul 4, 2024
Supreme Court rules that planning authorities cannot give permission for oil drilling projects without considering the environmental effects of the oil’s combustion
On 20 June 2024, the Supreme Court handed down its judgment in R (on the application of Finch on behalf...
Jul 2, 2024
UK sanctions ground payment obligations under letters of credit in aircraft leasing case
In Celestial Aviation Services Limited v UniCredit Bank GmbH, London Branch [2024] EWCA Civ 628, the Court of Appeal held...
Jun 13, 2024
Fair winds favour plaintiffs in wasted expenditure cases
A recent judgment of the High Court of Australia has clarified aspects of contract law and the availability of damages...