
News & Insights

Apr 10, 2022
In 2017, the Paris Court of Appeal set aside an award against Kyrgyzstan at the seat of arbitration on international...
Mar 24, 2022
On 23 February 2022, the European Commission published its much-anticipated proposal for a "Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence" (the...
Mar 22, 2022
As the situation in Ukraine continues to deteriorate, and the consequences of unprecedented packages of Russian sanctions and sanctions against...
Feb 28, 2022
Investor-state arbitration is a mechanism by which a company or individual investor can make a claim against a host state...
Jan 28, 2022
As previously reported, in mid-2020, changes were enacted to the Russian Arbitrazh (Commercial) Procedure Code (“APC”) to establish the exclusive...
Jan 28, 2022
UK regulators are clamping down on greenwashing in response to mounting pressure from the public and investors. The protests at...